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Occupational Therapy

Fine motor to improve handwriting, holding crayons, pencils, painting , cutting,  eating with utensils, dressing and undressing, manipulating a variety of buttons, tying shoe laces, exploring toys, and more.

We look at sensory integration (for our picky eaters), children that are sensitive to touch, sounds, lights, and a variety of textures. Children don't feel comfortable when feet are off the ground or don't like to be dirt. Children that play rough with high pain tolerance are some of the areas we work on.

We try to improve visual processing, eye-hand coordination ie. catching a ball, throwing the ball, completing puzzles, scanning, copying lessons from the board are other factors to consider to have overall success academically and in daily life.

A focus on attention, concentration, planning, following directions. Does your child attend when their name is called? Is your child unable to sit for any period of time? Does your child play with others or mostly by themselves? 

Kid Painting

Physical Therapy

We address low and high tone, stiffness, pain, and any other discomfort.

A focus on Gross motor which involves transitioning to different positions crawling, half kneel, squatting, sitting, standing, walking, jumping, kicking, running, hopping etc.


How a child walks, does he/she fall, walk on different surfaces overall balance and safety

We help determine if a child needs adaptive equipment.

Kids Running

Speech Therapy

We help improve - ​​

  • Articulation

  • Language

  • Receptive /expressive understanding language and using words/forming sentences

  • Phonological awareness

  • Fluency (stuttering)

  • Auditory processing

  • Feeding

Kids in Preschool

Hollistic Forecast

A Health Forecast Assessment looks at the following areas:

  • Regularity of bowel movement​

  • Urine ​color, smell Ph balance

  • Saliva, Ph balance

  • Hands/nails to observe spots discoloration​ that correspond to areas of the body

  • Lips, dryness, cracked, color

  • Tongue color, thickness, coating​

  • Eating habits

  • Sleeping habits Recommendations on homeopathic medicine, essential oils, herbs, food, exerciseand much more.

Green Apples
Green Apples
Green Apples
Green Apples
Green Apples
Sensory Flyer 2.jpg
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